大人気FM局エフエム世田谷にてレギュラー版番組FM83.4MHz エフエム世田谷【えーろう先生の医師の上にも3年】毎月第二日曜日23時より毎回豪華プレゼントを多数ご用意しております!お聴き逃しなく!!BiographyEiichiro Ichiishi, M.D., Ph.D. male, graduated from medical department, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine in 1992. He studied at Tokyo University as a special research student from 1998-2000. In 2003, he became associated professor of Tohoku University, New Industry Creation Hatchery Center (NIChe). In 2007, he was promoted to professor at Japan Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST). Dr. Ichiishi joined Tohoku University Bioengineering Research Organization (TUBERO) and the university’s medical department as a visiting professor from 2007-2008. In 2010, Dr. Ichiishi was appointed Professor in Internal Medicine at International University of Health and Welfare Hospital.He is a medical advisor of The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine. He is also a director of CBI (Chemo-Bio-Informatics) Society and a council member of Integrative Medicine Japan (IMJ).Dr. Ichiishi is a medical specialist of Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society and Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine. In addition to this he is an active member of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR).He is a council member of Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine, and Integrative Medicine Japan (IMJ).He is an editorial board member of Expert review of Molecular diagnostics, Case Reports in Internal Medicine, Case Reports in Endocrinology, Chemo-Bio-Informatics (CBI) Journal, Chronicles of Clinical Case Reports, Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, Jacobs Journal of Clinical Case Reports, and British Journal of Applied Science and Technology.
テーマ: ブログ
テーマ: エフエム世田谷83.4Mhz 番組